Our stance as an infant formula company

Why We Exist

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room. We sell formula.

WE KNOW that formula is a contentious, emotional, stigmatized product that has a checkered past.  We are not naive to the history of large corporations using predatory practices to push formula, sometimes at the expense of the world’s most vulnerable populations.

WE KNOW that there are people who will try to bucket Bobbie with the practices of our predecessors for simply being a company that sells formula and shows up boldly and unapologetically for our community of formula feeding parents. 

WE KNOW that there will be loud, opinionated voices, and shaming on social media from those who believe that Bobbie as a company should fundamentally not exist. Because as we know, breast is best.

WE KNOW that breastmilk is truly the gold standard for infants; it’s dynamic and personal in a way that formula will never be.

But we also know that the real formula is a parent’s entire ‘Feeding Journey’ where so many factors play into whether breastmilk is even an option at all. And if it’s not (for whatever reason), when we turn to formula shouldn’t it be undeniably the best, too?

We understand the history of infant formula, and that’s exactly why we are here to evolve the future of infant formula. 

We are here to bring a purposefully-sourced formula to our babies’ bottles and evolve the cultural conversation on formula feeding to meet the reality of modern parenting -  it’s a completely normal part of raising a baby in the US.

Bobbie is made up of a team of scientists, operators, and experts but first and foremost, we are moms and dads and parents.  

We are just like the 83% of parents who turned to formula, we are the parents who thought we would breastfeed exclusively but were faced with emotional and physical challenges. We are just like the parents who realized that balancing full time return to work and keeping up our supply was a near impossible feat. We are just like the parents who quietly moved to formula and stayed silent through what felt like a shameful part of parenting.

Until now. 

We are proud to support parents in their personal feeding choices, proud to feed babies an organic food that helps keep them alive, and proud to evolve the conversation on feeding.

-- Bobbie Parents (& Scientists, Operators, Designers, Regulatory Experts, Marketers, Researchers, Business Leaders) 

WE KNOW that formula is a contentious, emotional, stigmatized product that has a checkered past.  We are not naive to the history of large corporations using predatory practices to push formula, sometimes at the expense of the world’s most vulnerable populations.

WE KNOW that there are people who will try to bucket Bobbie with the practices of our predecessors for simply being a company that sells formula and shows up boldly and unapologetically for our community of formula feeding parents. 

WE KNOW that there will be loud, opinionated voices, and shaming on social media from those who believe that Bobbie as a company should fundamentally not exist. Because as we know, breast is best.

WE KNOW that breastmilk is truly the gold standard for infants; it’s dynamic and personal in a way that formula will never be.

But we also know that the real formula is a parent’s entire ‘Feeding Journey’ where so many factors play into whether breastmilk is even an option at all. And if it’s not (for whatever reason), when we turn to formula shouldn’t it be undeniably the best, too?

We understand the history of infant formula, and that’s exactly why we are here to evolve the future of infant formula. 

We are here to bring a purposefully-sourced formula to our babies’ bottles and evolve the cultural conversation on formula feeding to meet the reality of modern parenting -  it’s a completely normal part of raising a baby in the US.

Bobbie is made up of a team of scientists, operators, and experts but first and foremost, we are moms and dads and parents.  

We are just like the 83% of parents who turned to formula, we are the parents who thought we would breastfeed exclusively but were faced with emotional and physical challenges. We are just like the parents who realized that balancing full time return to work and keeping up our supply was a near impossible feat. We are just like the parents who quietly moved to formula and stayed silent through what felt like a shameful part of parenting.

Until now. 

We are proud to support parents in their personal feeding choices, proud to feed babies an organic food that helps keep them alive, and proud to evolve the conversation on feeding.

-- Bobbie Parents (& Scientists, Operators, Designers, Regulatory Experts, Marketers, Researchers, Business Leaders) 

Meet our beliefs

We knew we had to have thick skin to disrupt this industry. We’re okay with that.

We believe all families deserve access to safe, and high-quality nutrition whether by bottle, breast or both.

We believe that breastmilk is the gold standard for infant nutrition, and that those who want to breastfeed should have the support (both structurally within society and financially) to do so successfully. We advocate for this support by fighting for societal change that will help create environments where women have what they need to breastfeed if they choose to do so, including Paid Leave for All.

We believe there’s a need for comprehensive and well-defined infant nutrition standards and more high quality research on all types of infant feeding to improve the products available to families. As a result, we fund it and share the discoveries.

We believe that each feeding journey is unique and should receive individualized, non-judgmental support that allows parents to feel confident in their choices

We believe that families who exclusively breastfeed (whether for two days or two years) and families who want or need to formula feed from day one should be equally supported.

We believe that formula is food, and that those who want or need to formula feed should have the support, access, and education to do so successfully.

We believe that breast or chestfeeding is a personal choice and that women and birthing people deserve the autonomy and the information to make decisions about what is best for their bodies and their babies.

We believe that parents should be empowered to make informed decisions when it comes to their families, and that education about all feeding options is necessary for these decisions to be truly informed.

We believe that it is our responsibility to provide accurate and evidence-based information, creating an inclusive space for formula feeding parents, and sharing education on the many ways to feed a baby.

We believe that healthcare professionals need education and tools to provide better infant feeding support to all families regardless of feeding method.

At Bobbie, we are dedicated to educating and supporting families throughout their feeding journey – no matter what it looks like. We strive to be a trusted partner, providing reliable, evidence-based information and products that give families peace of mind and confidence. We are deeply committed to supporting families in feeding their babies nutritionally-exceptional products that support their growth and development. It’s a privilege to help create generational impact for U.S. families by using our platform and resources to fund infant feeding research that will drive innovation as well as policy and cultural change.

You can learn more at Bobbie Medical and Bobbie for Change.